Thursday, September 10, 2009

Computer Life of Miss Moe

When seeing my screen as a photo for the first time, I thought, " Wow, how is this possible? How could I have not known of this feature as much as I am constantly on the computer?". This was something new and interesting to me. When I asked some friends had they ever heard of this feature they said no, so I wonder how many people actually know of this.

This screenshot photo shows the two most typical things that I do when on the computer, while classes are in session. Most times I always have FaceBook and Yahoo IM open to chat with friends, listening to music, and the most important doing whatever work needs to be done. Rather than just getting on the computer and doing the work I originally set-out to do, I have other distractions open.

The digital world/space can be very distracting for young teens and adults because of all the possible things to do and distractions that are available. The digital world is improving day by day and is always giving people ways to be distracted. This takes away from the time and progress that should have been made in about 30 minutes.

We can better understand the process of digital space by using it wisely and when needed. When using a computer and your mission is to get work done don't have 4 windows open that have nothing to do with your work. Most college students, like myself, have unnecessary windows open and get easily distracted ,which makes it harder to understand the process of using digital space wisely.

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